Lancer/Ace Conan the Usurper: Rereading and Reminiscence

When I discovered, and started reading, the Lancer editions of Robert E. Howard’s Conan, many volumes in the series had already been in print a good five or six years, but it wasn’t old news. It wasn’t passé. No, on the contrary, Conan was at his peak in popularity and these editions were being reprinted on a regular basis and a few of the books were still scheduled for their first printing.

It was an exciting time for us sword and sorcery buffs. Conan’s literary popularity pawned the floodgates for all the other S&S heroes to be reprinted from their pulp days or for authors to create new characters and adventures.

By the time I read Conan the Usurper, I was already reading the novels and anthologies of Michael Moorcock’s Elric, Fritz Leiber’s Fafard and the Gray Mouser, and John Jakes’ Brak the barbarian (0ddly enough, despite my love for Lin Carter, I never read any of his Thongor of Lemuria books), to name a few.

And Sword and Sorcery made its way to comics with Marvel’s Conan the Barbarian, being the most successful, but there were also others. DC put out Sword of Sorcery, which featured Fafard and the Gray Mouser adventures and there was Dax the Warrior with art and writing by Esteban Maroto in Warren’s successful black and white comic magazine, Eerie, which was followed by Marvel and it’s B&W comic magazines, such as Savage Tales and the Savage Sword of Conan.

It was an exciting time to be alive.

But let’s get to Conan the Usurper which is book 8 in the Lancer/Ace series of Robert E. Howard’s Conan published back in the late 60s and 70s. This edition was reprinted seven times between 1967 and 1973, the year Lancer went bankrupt.

Frank Frazetta did the cover. It depicts Conan in chains straddling a monstrous serpent that is rising above him to strike, which came from this passage: “Slowly, a huge, hideous, wedge-shaped head took form before his dilated eyes, and from the darkness oozed, in flowing scaly coils, the ultimate horror of reptilian development.”

Conan, in this book, is now in his early to mid-forties.

Conan the Usurper, 1967

Conan the Usurper (1967) by Robert E. Howard and L. Sprague de Camp

“Introduction” (L. Sprague de Camp)
“The Treasure of Tranicos” (Robert E. Howard, L. Sprague de Camp)
“Wolves Beyond the Border” (Robert E. Howard, L. Sprague de Camp)
“The Phoenix on the Sword” (Robert E. Howard)
“The Scarlet Citadel” (Robert E. Howard)

Introduction. As always, de Camp starts things off with a little essay on Howard and Conan.

The Treasure of Tranicos. The manuscript was found in the house of the Howard estates’ late literary agent, Oscar J. Friend. It started life as a Conan story that kept getting rejected, so eventually Howard changed it to a pirate tale. L. Sprague de Camp took the original story, edited it, and it was published in Fantasy Magazine for February 1953. It was then published in hardcover in the anthology King Conan (1953, Gnome Press). It was then reedited once again by de Camp, where he added elements such as the wizard Thoth-Amon to make it fit biographically into Conan’s life, then published in the paperback edition of Conan the Usurper. The story was then republished in The Treasure of Tranicos (1980, Ace Books), Echoes of Valor (1987, Tor Books), The Conan Chronicles Volume 2: The Hour of the Dragon (Gollancz, 2001) and Conan of Cimmeria: Volume Three (1935-1936) (Del Rey Books, 2005).

The story was adapted in Marvel’s Savage Sword of Conan #47-48 by Roy Thomas and John Buscema.

The story starts with our hero on the run from the savage Picts, having made his way west from his last adventure in Conan the Warrior in the frontiers to the coast.

To escape the Picts, he clambers up a steep stone crag, which turns out to be feared b the Picts and they abandon the chase.

Inside a cave, Conan finds a tunnel that has several chests in it and a closed door. Opening the door, a blue mist solidifies and black hands try to choke him, but he manages to break free to run down the passage. He realizes the demon isn’t following and is confined within the room; a room filled with dead men and treasure.

Meanwhile, the story shifts to a coastal fort, where Count Valenso of Korzetta is in hiding from something. Suddenly, Baracan pirates appear, seeking a treasure they believe the count has. They try to storm the fort but leave when another ship appears on the horizon. That ship contains Zingaran buccaneers, who had been following the pirates to find the treasure.

Add Thoth-Amon, the cave’s demon, Picts, and Conan finds himself in a rousing adventure against five adversaries.

Wolves Beyond the Border. The story is from an unfinished fragment and a one page synopsis that Howard wrote and de Camp finished to fit into Conan’s history. It was republished in The Conan Chronicles Volume 2: The Hour of the Dragon (Gollancz, 2001) and Conan of Cimmeria: Volume One (1932-1933) (Del Rey, 2003).

The story was adapted in Marvel’s Savage Sword of Conan #59 by Roy Thomas and Ernie Chan.

This is a jarring tale compared to everything else in this series. For one thing, it’s told in first person. For another, Conan never appears in the story at all and is only mentioned by way of the characters talking about Conan and his followers rising up against the king of Aquilonia.

The Phoenix on the Sword. Originally published in Weird Tales, December 1932. It was republished in King Conan (Gnome Press, 1953), The Conan Chronicles Volume 2: The Hour of the Dragon (Gollancz, 2001) and Conan of Cimmeria: Volume One (1932-1933) (Del Rey, 2003).

Known to any Conan afficiando as the very first published story about the Cimmerian. Also known is that it is a rewriting of the rejected Kull story, “By This Axe I Rule!” Now I enjoyed this story, and consider it among the best Howard Conan stories. After all, it is fast-paced, exciting, and introduced the readers of the day to Conan for the first time. Nevertheless, I think the Kull story was somewhat superior. The Kull story is longer, adding more details of the treachery of those who would slay the king, whereas the Conan story is pretty much just the battle between the king and his betrayers. Also, there is a love story between a slave girl and a noble that shows more of Kull’s character as a caring monarch. In comparison, Conan is almost one-dimensional.

The Scarlet Citadel. This was the second Conan story ever published, and again, he is king of Aquilonia, betrayed by two neighboring kingdoms and placed in a pit to die. But this is Conan! There is sorcery, monsters, and plenty of great battles and skirmishes.

I wonder how readers of the day greeted these last two stories, being introduced for the first time to Conan, king of Aquilonia, only to have Howard write the next 16 Conan tales out of biographical order as a younger man, just learning the ways of civilization. Personally, I would have found it somewhat jarring and just a little off-putting.

Don’t get me wrong, I love Howard and think he’s a fantastic story teller, but I just find it baffling that he would start writing about Conan toward the end of his life, then proceed to write the rest of the stories sort of willy-nilly throughout the character’s younger years.

This is why I really like the Lancer editions because they follow Conan’s life chronologically from beginning to end. Say what you will about how de Camp and Carter edited the Hell out of Howard’s words, at least they tried to arrange the tales in a sort of biographical timeline that makes sense.


Lancer/Ace Conan
Lancer/Ace Conan of Cimmeria
Conan the Freebooter
Conan the Wanderer
Conan the Adventurer
Conan the Buccaneer
Conan the Warrior


Sword and Sorcery loses another voice

Andrew Jefferson Offutt (August 16, 1934 to April 30, 2013)

Andrew J Offutt passed away yesterday, April 30, 2013, and sadly, his death seems to have gone relatively unnoticed.

Outside of Wikipedia adding his date of death and a small obit on the Locus website, if you do a search you’ll get very few indications that he passed. In fact, a search for “Andrew J Offutt obit” brings up another “Andy” Offutt, no relation, who passed away April 9th.

Which makes me sad. Maybe he wasn’t among Fiction’s Giants, maybe he didn’t have the name recognition of a Ray Bradbury, but Offutt had as much influence upon my life, both as a reader and a writer, as many other more heralded authors did.

Offutt was an author and editor in the science fiction and fantasy genres. He began his writing career winning a young writers or college writers writing contest in 1954 (I read this somewhere but can’t just now verify this), and the story”And Gone Tomorrow” was published in “If” magazine. Despite that, he didnt make his first professional sale with the short story “Blacksword,” until 1959 to Galaxy magazine. His first novel under his own name (he had at least two pseudonyms, J X Williams and John Cleve), “Evil is Live Spelled Backwards” was published in 1970.

He became a major player in the sword and sorcery genre shortly thereafter, which is when he came to my attention. In the 1970s, I devoured sword and sorcery. Anything by or related to Robert E Howard and his creations interested me, along with anything similar to Edgar Rice Burroughs and his sword and planet adventures.

That’s about when AJO arrived. I don’t believe he ever created a Conan-like barbarian as many of his peers did (e.g. Lin Carter’s Thongar, John Jakes’ Brak), but he was still very involved in writing pastiches of REH’a Cormac Mac Art and Conan. He also wrote what I thought was a memorable erotic parody of Edgar Rice Burroughs’ Barsoom series with “Ardor on Aros.” A novel I have been trying to find to replace my now time-lost copy.

But his greatest contribution might have been as editor for a top notch sword and sorcery anthology series, “Swords Against Darkness.” It consisted of five volumes of which I currently own the first two.

Seems I have a lot of eBay searching to do to restock my paltry collection of AJO paperbacks that I once owned but sadly today do not.

Offutt’s writing came out at a time when I was becoming an avid reader and an awkward writer. He impacted my formation as a writer within the fantasy genre positively. I owe him a debt of gratitude.

Thank you, Andy. May you rest well.


The riddle… of steel

Thulsa Doom: Yes! You know what it is, don’t you boy? Shall I tell you? It’s the least I can do. Steel isn’t strong, boy, flesh is stronger! Look around you. There, on the rocks; a beautiful girl. Come to me, my child…

[coaxes the girl to jump to her death

Thulsa Doom: That is strength, boy! That is power! What is steel compared to the hand that wields it? Look at the strength in your body, the desire in your heart, I gave you this! Such a waste. Contemplate this on the tree of woe. Crucify him!

That, of course, is from the godawful movie, “Conan the Barbarian” (1982) starring Ahnold.

I only bring it up because in the scene in the crypt where Conan finds the Atlantean sword, it merely has some sort of crust on it that Conan easily smashes off.

But stop and think about that for a moment. If you took a piece of steel, and left it sitting out for a millennia, what would happen to the metal? It would RUST, of course. Unless it was stainless steel, in which case it would make for a lousy sword. But I doubt very much they even knew how to make stainless steel back then. It was still considered an art to create quality steel of any sort.

There was no rust on the blade. Now, maybe when they entombed that ancient Atlantean king, they were nice and protected his sword for all eternity by coating the blade with some sort of prehistoric petroleum jelly or possibly bee’s wax or Carnauba wax, which might have protected it and inhibited rust, thereby causing that crust that Conan had to smash off.

Maybe, but I doubt it, only because I won’t give that movie, or anyone associated with it, any credit for intelligence.

And I only bring it up because it’s been bothering me for 31 years!

Now I’m over it.

At least that portion of it.

And yes, I do obsess about that movie. Only because I was a huge Conan and Robert E. Howard fan at the time of it’s release. I looked forward to that movie more than any movie before or since. I couldn’t wait to see Conan on the big screen. He was a great literary character. Marvel was doing an excellent job portraying him in the comics. Conan was a natural for the big screen. What could go wrong?

Everything. That’s what. My eager anticipation of the movie was matched only by my utter disappointment in the final product.

I blame that movie for killing the whole sword and sorcery genre.

Yes, I’m bitter. And ranting about it is very cathartic.

Thanks for letting me vent.

And I promise, I’ll be posting my thoughts on the third Lancer/Ace Conan, Conan the Freebooter soon.
